Frames of Mind

Following a recent visit to the school robotics club, I have been thinking a lot about the concept of invention, particularly in the realm of technology. And whenever I have had a chance, I have been asking students questions like, “how do you think someone came up with the idea

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Mandarin, Espagnol, Python!

“Bonjour les amis.” “Wie sagt man “mairie” in Deutsch?” “Did you do your math homework last night.” “Hace frio!” Take but a single step inside the Lycee Francais de New York, particularly in the early morning when our students are just arriving for class, and you will hear a veritable

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«I Do and I Understand»

Chinese character for Love. In any given year, the Lycée Français has some 400 students studying Mandarin, starting in CE2 when all of our third-graders are introduced to the Chinese language and continuing through twelfth grade when a quarter of our graduating class elects to sit the French Baccalaureate examinations

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