Throughout the month of March, students in grades 9 to 12 explored ways to make their lives – and ours – greener with a High School Climate Convention, inspired by the France’s Convention citoyenne pour le climat.
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Throughout the month of March, students in grades 9 to 12 explored ways to make their lives – and ours – greener with a High School Climate Convention, inspired by the France’s Convention citoyenne pour le climat.
Read More!When it is appropriate to begin discussing the financial implications of a college education? Our heads of college counseling and middle school provide their insight…
Read More!The Lycée’s Science Department is guiding students in ninth to twelfth grade through a “Convention Lycéenne pour le Climat,” a high-school wide project designed to help them engage in issues of climate change and work towards a more sustainable future.
Read More!“It is great to be the first, but what’s most important is that there be a second,” said French Consul General Anne-Claire Legendre of her role as the first woman to be French Consul General in New York. She was one of four boundary-breaking women in and around the Lycée
Read More!January 24 was the start of the Chinese New Year. Eighth and sixth-grade Mandarin students helped mark the occasion through an escape game. Mandarin teacher, Mr. Venturin, and librarians, Ms. Stouff and Ms. Leger, adapted the premise of this life-size escape game to an educational setting. The goal of an
Read More!Earlier this year, 10th-grade students in Ms. Gibert’s Sustainable Development class turned their attentions to the Amazon rainforest, where an alarming surge in wildfires was causing international concern. The students’ task was to analyze the situation from social, economic and environmental perspectives: What changes were happening to natural resources in
Read More!“Blues music is elegance in the face of adversity,” jazz bandleader of Sammy Miller and the Congregation told students at the beginning of the Lycée Français de New York’s third annual James Baldwin Day—curated by the Secondary English Department. The beauty of this sentiment barely had enough time to settle
Read More!Comme chaque année depuis dix ans, le département de français avec l’aide des documentalistes et le soutien de l’APL, organise un Prix littéraire. Un jury de lecteurs composé d’élèves de lycée (de la 2nde à la Terminale), de parents, de professeurs et autres membres du personnel du lycée, lit une
Read More!Monday afternoon saw the Lycée’s downstairs gallery filled with art lovers—all eager to view the culmination of Y9 students’ “Beyond Suffrage” Art/History Parcours. In the class, students worked to create a visual art and audio installation, which puts family research and interviews in conversation with larger societal conversations around the
Read More!You might have heard about the Lycée art department’s recent crop of Scholastic Award winners. Twelve Secondary art students received a total of 26 awards, including two national gold keys for Pier-Paolo Piccoli (Y12) and Neige Giacalone (Y10). Their works will be on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
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