How do we look at race?

On December 5, 6, and 7, eleven members of the LFNY Diversity Committee created last year at the school had the tremendous privilege of taking part in the 26th Annual People of Color Conference of the National Association of Independent Schools in National Harbor in Maryland. The National Association of

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La physique au centre de la biologie

Le 6 décembre dernier, les lycéens de seconde et de première S ont assisté à une présentation d’Ibrahim Cissé, un scientifique Nigérien travaillant au Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Son intervention nous a fait comprendre à quel point la physique est fondamentalement liée à la biologie. Ibrahim Cissé au LFNY, le

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It’s election time!

Primary students got familiar with the election process on November 6 and 7, 2013. Every year Primary students from first to fifth grade participate in an election. Students vote in the library resource room, where you might have noticed the red, white and blue voting booths that the Lycée borrows

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Être heureux favorise l’apprentissage (et non l’inverse)

Neuf joueuses de la toute nouvelle équipe de football filles niveau 6èmes du Lycée Français. En tant qu’éducateurs, la question essentielle à laquelle nous devons répondre est : Comment permettre aux enfants d’atteindre leur plein potentiel? Comment les aider à devenir des adultes responsables, épanouis et accomplis? Il y a deux

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Can fish grow plants? Yes!

The Seasonal Seven whose mission is to learn about seasonal and locally grown foods while promoting their impact on the environment and to our nutrition hosted their first visitor in October. His name is Emmanuel Pratt, and he is the executive director of The Sweet Water Foundation, which seeks to integrate

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