Enhancing Sleep Quality During COVID-19

If you have noticed that shifts in your daily routine have disrupted your sleep, you are not alone. It may be helpful to review potential causes, and consider some helpful modifications. For those of us who struggle with insomnia, anxiety or other sleep-related difficulties, this novel situation may have exacerbated particular challenges,

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Connected, Apart

Human connection is a protective power. We have had to adapt to this new normal quickly– a challenge that many of our students are rising to, while supporting others along the way. Like many times of change, the turbulence has brought with it opportunity. It has given rise to new

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An Open Letter to Families

Hélène Stafford, school psychologist at the Lycée Français de New York, writes with guidance for families, faculty and staff during these days of home confinement and social distancing. We are all facing a new situation. Each day, we discover something new, and there is no recipe, except to think together,

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Developing Routines for Teens

As students around the world transition to distance learning, adults who surround them will want to assist them in maintaining healthy habits, developing structured routines and embracing techniques that are proven to promote productivity and focus. Learning in the home can be rewarding and exciting so long as appropriate structures

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