Uctabea, une cité romaine

La vie sous l’Empire romain, les esclaves, les arènes, les amphithéâtres… Les élèves de CE2D ont dû faire des recherches sur tous ces sujets et bien d’autres encore pour pouvoir fabriquer cette maquette. Ils ont appris à faire du plâtre (pour créer le Sénat, le temple, les arènes et le

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Our Growth Mindset

Please forgive me if you have already heard me refer to the concept of “growth mindset,” a notion we owe to the renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, whose book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, is one of the most thought-provoking texts about human psychology to have been published in a

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The Math Hatter Chronicles, #3

I hate acronyms(1). Of course I understand the need for LASER instead of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation and I guess SPECTRE(2) is a clever way to remember who the bad guy is. But I believe most of them are just a lazy and confusing way of writing

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Cogito, Ergo Sum

Have you ever heard the joke about the two friends, one an engineer and the other a philosopher, talking one day over lunch? The engineer was presenting a design for a new machine he had just invented, demonstrating with one example after another how his creation would revolutionize the world.

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