“I’m not gifted for math!” We often hear this phrase, and it strikes me as filled with lasting consequences. The phrase implies that there are certain people who have a gift for math, which means they will naturally be able to understand some concepts better than others. It also tells us
Read More!Auteur : Vannina Boussouf, Assistant Head of School-Director of Primary
What To Do About Homework
If you were to ask me what is the most controversial and varied pedagogical practice, I would respond without a doubt: homework! Whether you completely oppose or totally support it, there is not one parent, one teacher, or one student who is indifferent to the topic. It’s a complicated, and
Read More!Parler plusieurs langues est la norme
Ces derniers temps, il n’est pas rare d’ouvrir un magazine ou un journal et de tomber sur un article à propos du bilinguisme. Récemment, en ouvrant le New York Times, je découvre que le bilinguisme est un facteur d’enrichissement de la carrière de nombreux acteurs anglophones qui parlent couramment une
Read More!La “Génération E”
En club de robotique, les élèves apprennent à construire puis à commander leur robot à l’aide d’un logiciel simple de programmation. Avez-vous entendu parler de la “Génération C” ? Succédant à la “Génération Y” les enfants et adolescents d’aujourd’hui doivent apprendre à Communiquer, Collaborer, Créer, Contempler, et faire preuve d’esprit
Read More!L’apprentissage de la cursive est indispensable
In my early years as the director of a primary school in North America, I witnessed firsthand how the topic of teaching cursive writing actually drove some teaching teams apart. I remember an email message from one of the French directors of a bilingual school, who was asking: should he
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