Dans cet entretien, Vannina Boussouf, adjointe au chef d’établissement auprès de l’école primaire du Lycée, explique comment promouvoir et célébrer le bilinguisme chez l’enfant. Vannina Boussouf a toujours évolué dans un monde multilingue. Son nom et son prénom reflètent ses origines: un grand-père algérien (kabyle), une arrière grand-mère turque, des racines corses.
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Le Français: Oui But Why?
In this extraordinary city called New York, education is a matter of the utmost importance to families. Moreover, an ever-growing number of those seeking to provide a world-class educational experience to their children are focused on bilingualism. Yet who can be surprised? After all, study after study has demonstrated the myriad
Read More!Gad Elmaleh: être d’ailleurs
Ask our students what word comes to mind when they hear the name Gad, as I have done these past few days, and what one hears is simple. Mais c’est impossible, monsieur. A single word could never capture his gift for making you fall out of your chair with laughter,
Read More!Rêves d’ados
A former colleague and lifelong principal whom I hold in the highest esteem often used to say, and in so doing make her students, parents and fellow educators laugh, that middle school is a special period in the educational trajectory of any child because he or she is as cute
Read More!Our Day of Understanding
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences,” said poet Audre Lorde. Her quote highlights the importance of teaching students from the youngest age about the importance of understanding and embracing our differences. On Monday, December 19th, the
Read More!Teaching the Pleasure of Communicating
For many Lycée students and parents, the 2015-2016 school year is their first experience in a bilingual school. Choosing a bilingual school is a tremendous opportunity for monolingual families, but it also raises questions about how being in a bilingual school impacts language development in children. The most important element
Read More!Développer l’empathie chez les élèves
L’une des missions du Lycée Français de New York est de préparer ses élèves à être les citoyens responsables de demain. Pour l’établissement, cet apprentissage passe, depuis maintenant plus de 13 ans, par les activités de service communautaire (Community Service), et depuis 4 ans pour l’apprentissage par le service (Service
Read More!Oh, the Places They’ll Go*
We are careful at the LFNY not to allow digital devices to displace, let alone replace human interaction. Yet access to the internet can be a great support for intelligent conversation, as I experienced laptop in hand a few mornings ago in our 75th Street Lobby. My purpose: to ask
Read More!Dans les coulisses de la cafétéria du Lycée
Chaque jour, la cafétéria du Lycée prépare et sert quelque 1100 repas. Un système bien rôdé où douze employés s’activent à partir de 7h du matin et jusqu’à 15h l’après-midi, toute l’année scolaire. L’équipe de la cantine en cuisine fait partie de Flik Independent School, une entreprise spécialisée dans la
Read More!Inventer pour apprendre
Following the announcement of our new strategic plan last January, students, faculty and families have been VERY excited about the makerspace we will soon be building for our primary and secondary schools. Those familiar with the concept of “making”, often because they have visited the “makerfaire” that takes place at
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