Halloween at the Lycée

Holding out for a hero? You would have found many at the Lycée Francais pre-K and Kindergarten Halloween parades on Wednesday, November 7. A quick scan of our fearless four and five year olds revealed no fewer than six Spidermen, three Knights of the Roundtable, two Ninja Turtles, one Superman,

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Andy Warhol inspires the Lycée

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is hosting an exhibition, Regarding Warhol:  Fifty Years, Sixty Artists, from September-December 2012.  In conjunction with the exhibition, we learned about Andy Warhol’s life and his work.  Andy Warhol was one of the founders of American pop art, an art movement that challenged the traditions

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Les apprentis-égyptologues du Lycée

Dans le cadre de l’étude de l’”Orient Ancien” au programme des 6èmes, les élèves de 6e1 et 6e2 – option histoire en français – participent actuellement à un projet d’histoire des Arts organisé et encadré par la documentaliste Caroline Jan et le professeur d’histoire-géographie Sylvain Pappalardo. Visite du Met En se basant sur les connaissances

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The LFNY celebrates UN Day

UN Day takes place every year at the Lycée Français. During this special day, our students celebrate the diverse community of our school and learn the values of respect and sharing. All children from Cycle 2 and 3 in the Primary School took part in UN Day, the older children

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