Week in Pictures May 12 – May 18


Friday: Today is the Senior’s last day and they are letting the entire school know about it! As a tradition, graduating 12th graders are allowed to tag students and staff, dress up and regularly shout “Terminales!” in the hallways.


Thursday: Teachers of a 12th grade class and a kindergarden class have organized an exchange around the topic of sound. The little students, wearing the traditional LFNY smock, created their own instruments out of straws, boxes or bottles, and the older students are analyzing the sound vibration via a computer software. Here a student record an instrument and the wavelength appear on the screen.


Wednesday: Parents and students showed up en masse to watch the performance of the LFNY gymnasts, from primary level all the way up to varsity. A beautiful Jamboree.

Tuesday: It’s Senior Week at the Lycée Francais. In celebration of the end of the year approaching, Senior choose a theme each day of the week and dress up accordingly. Today: Beach Day!


Tuesday: The Terminale Theater Elective Students presented the result of their school year, playing scenes of Roberto Zucco by Bernard-Marie Koltès. (Photo: I. Milkoff)


Monday: 7th-grader Magherita H. is in Paris for the Ambassadeurs en Herbe finale. Good luck to her representing the US!

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