Week in Pictures February 24 to March 2




Friday pm: Students and teachers play a friendly basketball game. (credit: Hong Tam Andre)


Friday am: In a yearlong project, third-grade students are learning about prehistoric man, including the art of cave painting from the times of Lascaux. Here, three students and Primary art teacher, Mireille Miller, used natural pigments to add color to their animals, which include now extinct mammoths and saber-tooth tigers!

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Friday pm: Students put the final touches on their cheerleading performance for the Lycée’s 2014 Gala on  March 2nd. (photo credit: M. Castillo)



Thursday: A group from Jazz at Lincoln Center gave the second of three concerts for ninth-grade students this year. The program teaches students about the Civil Rights Movement through the evolution of jazz.


Wednesday: French authors Olivier Barrot (right) and Jérôme Ferrari (left), winner of the 2012 Prix Goncourt, gave a lecture, “Writing on War,” to tenth-grade students. Mr. Ferrari discussed his novel Où j’ai laissé mon âme (Where I Left My Soul), based during the Algerian War.



Monday: Alexandra René visits our kindergarten class, GSA, as part of an exchange with the Lycée Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable in Haiti. Her own kindergarten class and our GSA students have exchanged photos, school work and conversed through Skype all year long.

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Saturday: LFNY gymnasts took third place in their league championships last Saturday. They performed well, and their team score got higher throughout the season. “Their work at practice, their team spirit and their good vibes made the trick,” said Coach Alexandra Brevet. (Photo credit: C. Marshi)

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