Our Growth Mindset

Please forgive me if you have already heard me refer to the concept of “growth mindset,” a notion we owe to the renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, whose book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, is one of the most thought-provoking texts about human psychology to have been published in a

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The Math Hatter Chronicles, #3

I hate acronyms(1). Of course I understand the need for LASER instead of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation and I guess SPECTRE(2) is a clever way to remember who the bad guy is. But I believe most of them are just a lazy and confusing way of writing

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Cogito, Ergo Sum

Have you ever heard the joke about the two friends, one an engineer and the other a philosopher, talking one day over lunch? The engineer was presenting a design for a new machine he had just invented, demonstrating with one example after another how his creation would revolutionize the world.

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