Être heureux favorise l’apprentissage (et non l’inverse)

Neuf joueuses de la toute nouvelle équipe de football filles niveau 6èmes du Lycée Français. En tant qu’éducateurs, la question essentielle à laquelle nous devons répondre est : Comment permettre aux enfants d’atteindre leur plein potentiel? Comment les aider à devenir des adultes responsables, épanouis et accomplis? Il y a deux

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Can fish grow plants? Yes!

The Seasonal Seven whose mission is to learn about seasonal and locally grown foods while promoting their impact on the environment and to our nutrition hosted their first visitor in October. His name is Emmanuel Pratt, and he is the executive director of The Sweet Water Foundation, which seeks to integrate

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LFNY hosts Veterans Day Ceremony

On November 8, the Lycée Français de New York hosted a ceremony honoring 35 American veterans of World War 2 who were promoted to the French Legion of Honor for their service to France. The award has a prestigious history since its creation by Napoleon Bonaparte. Among its distinguished recipients

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Curiosity IS the cat

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the enigma I had shared with one of our secondary students, the so-called “Case of the Missing Euro”. I mentioned it not so much because I love puzzles, which I do, but because I wanted to highlight this young man’s admirable perseverance in

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