“Les Semeurs”

Le Grand Prix dans la catégorie 1ères et Terminales revient à L’Ecole Active Bilingue pour son interprétation de Tu Trembles de Bruno Allain et Victor Hugo. Chaque année, j’ai l’impression que le dernier festival Première Scène a été plus réussi que le précédent. Est-ce le cas pour cette quinzième édition? Je

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Week in Pictures February 3 to 9

Friday: A pre-K student at pick up perfectly bundled up for the 30° weather (Credit: M. Castillo) Thursday: All Y10 and Y11 joined some alumni and parents from various backgrounds for the annual Forum des Métiers during which they talk about future careers. (Credit: E. King) Wednesday: Students baked and organized a bake

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Found in Non-Translation

English-speakers will have heard the expression, “lost in translation.” In all humility, I would like to propose a complementary saying, that of “found in non-translation”.  This thought occurred to me last weekend when a friend and I were discussing an article we had both read on huffingtonpost.com, entitled “Eleven Untranslatable

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Week in Pictures January 27-February 2

Vendredi: Ambiance festive à la cantine scolaire, où l’on célèbre l’anniversaire de l’un des cuisiniers. Jeudi : Des élèves de CP écoutent la bibliothécaire du primaire sur ce qu’est un livre, ce qu’il contient, comment il est fabriqué, quel(s) objectif(s) il sert. Mercredi: Guidés par leur professeur d’art, l’enseignante de

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The Snow Day that Wasn’t

One would be hard-pressed to find a place more full of cajoling than the entrance to the Lycée Français de New York this past Wednesday morning, particularly on the primary side of campus. Student after student had but one feeling to express: dissatisfaction, good-natured dissatisfaction, but dissatisfaction nonetheless! No matter

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