The academic development of a child depends on a number of factors. Here are three strategies to foster a love of learning from a child’s earliest years.
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The academic development of a child depends on a number of factors. Here are three strategies to foster a love of learning from a child’s earliest years.
Read More!This year’s gala, “Toi + Moi = Beyond the Self“, is a celebration of community spirit and service to others. The school will honor Christy Turlington Burns, advocate, social entrepreneur and founder of the nonprofit, Every Mother Counts. We sat down with this year’s co-chairs, Jordan Phillips, Orla Coleman, Claudia Fleming
Read More!Le sommeil constitue une composante essentielle du bon développement physique et psychologique des élèves. Pourtant, chaque jour, entre 5 et 10 élèves viennent à l’infirmerie car ils sont en manque de sommeil. Une élève se repose quelques instants à l’infirmerie de l’école. Pourquoi les adolescents sont-ils régulièrement fatigués et comment
Read More!A former colleague and lifelong principal whom I hold in the highest esteem often used to say, and in so doing make her students, parents and fellow educators laugh, that middle school is a special period in the educational trajectory of any child because he or she is as cute
Read More!Here we all are back at school, backpacks full of new notebooks, shiny books and good resolutions. After weathering the first days of adjustment, new teachers and a new schedule, some kids also return to… bad habits: arriving at school for a good day of work… but with an empty
Read More!The Analog Platform. That’s the phrase that came to my mind as I watched my twelve 5eme advisees. Some were writing and drawing on the wall-sized whiteboard of Student Resource Room A. Others were at the table drawing logos for our advisory that would decorate our room. Another student worked
Read More!Alors que le Lycée Français de New York place l’élève au centre de ses préoccupations créant un réseau de professeurs référents dans tous les niveaux de classe, favorisant l’apprentissage du dialogue dans les clubs comme celui de la diversité par exemple, l’empathie en développant le travail communautaire et le service
Read More![slickquiz id=1] “I’m so tired.” “I stayed up so late last night.” “I was falling asleep in class”… These are some complaints we hear in the nurse’s office, that place where many secondary students march in asking for a miraculous remedy, or more concretely, a place to take a nap.
Read More!Secondary English teacher Jamie Laurens with her 9th grade advisory group on January 9th. It’s Friday, January 9th. I face a room full of questions, with a mind brimming with my own. And so, I begin by asking. My ninth grade advisees have formed a tighter circle than usual. They
Read More!Mercredi 3 septembre, l’ensemble des élèves de la 6ème à la terminale ont participé à la Journée des Sports avec leurs professeurs-référents (advisors). Pour la première fois, cette journée annuelle a eu lieu dans le state park de Bear Mountain en pleine nature, à 70 km de Manhattan. Le lieu
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