Our Growth Mindset

Please forgive me if you have already heard me refer to the concept of “growth mindset,” a notion we owe to the renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, whose book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, is one of the most thought-provoking texts about human psychology to have been published in a

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Cogito, Ergo Sum

Have you ever heard the joke about the two friends, one an engineer and the other a philosopher, talking one day over lunch? The engineer was presenting a design for a new machine he had just invented, demonstrating with one example after another how his creation would revolutionize the world.

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« Growing Connections », un projet écologique et ludique

Depuis octobre, des élèves du LFNY se sont investis toutes les semaines dans un projet à l’initiative de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) appelé « Growing Connections ». Interdisciplinaire, « Growing Connections » fait appel à diverses matières étudiées par les élèves, telles que la biologie, les mathématiques mais aussi

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A rewarding trip to Haiti

From April 28th to May 1st, five members of the LFNY staff traveled to Haiti to continue the school’s pedagogical exchange program with the Lycee Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable (LJBPS) located in Saint Marc. Included on the trip were: Aurore Papazian and Alexandre Sivera, both Kindergarten teachers;  Marie-Odile Couture,

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Of the Oval Ball and More

The LFNY Rugby Boys Varsity team won against the French American School of New York (FASNY) on May, 8 2013. From a distance, I thought I was glimpsing a scene from the Six Nations Championship, the world’s oldest and most enthralling rugby tournament. As I approached the field on Roosevelt

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Lean In

Never does a day go by at the Lycée Français when we who have the privilege of working here do not learn something extraordinary from our students. In my own case, that learning happens more often in the context of stairwell, hallway and lunchroom conversations than it does in the

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One of the most frequently discussed topics in education today is what US educators and educational policy-makers call “STEM”, an acronym which stands for “Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics”. And while the definition of STEM varies from one person to the next, most would agree that this term suggests at

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