Sauvons la grenouille!

Over the last several days, it has been hard to stop thinking about the dramatic imperative one of our secondary students shared with me this week: we have to save the frog! He had conveyed this message one lunch period, as I wandered our cafeteria encouraging middle and high schoolers

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Mandarin, Espagnol, Python!

“Bonjour les amis.” “Wie sagt man “mairie” in Deutsch?” “Did you do your math homework last night.” “Hace frio!” Take but a single step inside the Lycee Francais de New York, particularly in the early morning when our students are just arriving for class, and you will hear a veritable

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Être heureux favorise l’apprentissage (et non l’inverse)

Neuf joueuses de la toute nouvelle équipe de football filles niveau 6èmes du Lycée Français. En tant qu’éducateurs, la question essentielle à laquelle nous devons répondre est : Comment permettre aux enfants d’atteindre leur plein potentiel? Comment les aider à devenir des adultes responsables, épanouis et accomplis? Il y a deux

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Curiosity IS the cat

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the enigma I had shared with one of our secondary students, the so-called “Case of the Missing Euro”. I mentioned it not so much because I love puzzles, which I do, but because I wanted to highlight this young man’s admirable perseverance in

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LFNY makes NYC greener

Saturday, October 19, 2013, a dozen of LFNY faculty members and students participated in the Million Trees NYC Volunteer Planting Event in Rockaway Community Park, Queens. The Million Trees NYC initiative was started by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Parks Commissioner Veronica M. White in 2007. This city-wide environmental program has

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Elèves sans Frontières

Most conversations this week have begun with questions about the October vacation, to the delight of our students, who seem to appreciate talking about their deserved break almost as much as they enjoyed taking advantage of it. When asked what I did while classes were out, my own answer has

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“Have you heard about 3-6-9-12?” asked my former colleague. “No,” I answered. “It’s a book that’s just been published,” he continued, “and which a lot of people in France have been discussing because it makes strong recommendations about how to manage our children’s interactions with the many screens in their lives.

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La ville comme campus!

Living in the city, especially one the size of New York, can sometimes be a challenge. The density of population, movement and sounds in Paris, not to mention Mumbai, Beijing or Rio de Janeiro, makes for a different kind of existence from what one would find in nature, to say

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