L’une des missions du Lycée Français de New York est de préparer ses élèves à être les citoyens responsables de demain. Pour l’établissement, cet apprentissage passe, depuis maintenant plus de 13 ans, par les activités de service communautaire (Community Service), et depuis 4 ans pour l’apprentissage par le service (Service
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Upstanders Needed
When talking about ethics, especially the topics of how to live a virtuous life, how to build a just society and how to create a peaceful world, discussion can very quickly become complicated. Enter “what is the right thing to do” into any search engine and the leading source of
Read More!Oh, the Places They’ll Go*
We are careful at the LFNY not to allow digital devices to displace, let alone replace human interaction. Yet access to the internet can be a great support for intelligent conversation, as I experienced laptop in hand a few mornings ago in our 75th Street Lobby. My purpose: to ask
Read More!The NYC Marathon
“You’ve got this, Joeren.” “Allez la France.” “Go, Stefania.” “Viva Mexico.” “You can do it, FDNY” “Keep it up, Marie.” If you were running in, volunteering for or like me cheering from the sidelines the New York City Marathon this past Sunday, you will most certainly have been infused with
Read More!It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over*
Hardly a day goes by without Le Monde, the New York Times or some other leading newspaper publishing at least one article on the subject of climate change, whether it be about what is causing this phenomenon, how it is impacting the world, or what consequences it will have if nothing
Read More!Preparing for the Googleplex?
There is more to life than one’s job, though we who are fortunate to be doing what we love most might not always give that impression. Such is the perspective which many outstanding schools, including our own, share with their students, in keeping with a humanistic vision of education as a
Read More!Malala
Among memorable openings to books, it would be hard to find one more moving than the following: “I come from a country that was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just after midday.” Many will recognize these words as belonging to Malala Yousafzai, written at the start
Read More!Dans les coulisses de la cafétéria du Lycée
Chaque jour, la cafétéria du Lycée prépare et sert quelque 1100 repas. Un système bien rôdé où douze employés s’activent à partir de 7h du matin et jusqu’à 15h l’après-midi, toute l’année scolaire. L’équipe de la cantine en cuisine fait partie de Flik Independent School, une entreprise spécialisée dans la
Read More!The Genie(us) Within
Like me, you may have read about last month’s entrance examination at one of the most prestigious and renowned universities in France, where such extraordinary thinkers as Assia Djebar, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jean-Paul Sartre, Aimé Césaire and Michel Foucault once studied: the École Normale Supérieure, the most famous location of which lies
Read More!Head of School for a Day
Luc ne savait pas qu’il serait proviseur pour un jour mais ce fut une une formidable expérience pour ce jeune élève de 4ème. Comme son camarade, Luc a l’expression de quelqu’un qui a passé une journée bien remplie. Une expérience inoubliable. “Ce qui m’a le plus impressionné, c’est de visiter
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