The goal of computer programming club is to foster interest in computer science and provide students with a foundation of skills as they explore their interests in programming, engineering, and design. During the year, students work on projects that harness their collaboration, creative problem solving, and critical thinking skills such
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Visite d’enseignants haïtiens au LFNY
Du lundi 24 au jeudi 27 février, le LFNY a eu le plaisir d’accueillir en ses murs deux enseignantes de l’école Lycée Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable (LJBPS), localisée à Saint Marc en Haïti. Depuis le début de l’année dernière, nos deux écoles sont en partenariat et organisent des échanges
Read More!Connecting academics and government
The LFNY team in front of the gate of the prestigious Harvard campus. Eighteen Y11 and Y12 students participated in the 29th annual Harvard Model Congress in Boston this year. Lycée students were among 1400 students from 20 states to participate in the government simulation conference organized by Harvard University students.
Read More!Teaching our Students about Social Entrepreneurship
Each year, the Cultural Center of the Lycée Français de New York is proud to organize three “21st Century Citizenship Panel Discussions.” These evening events are intended for Lycee Francais de New York students and other members of the school community, but are also open to the public at large. After
Read More!One Year Later – Preschool Hit During Hurricane Sandy Returns Home
Inside Little Tots Red Wagon, right after Hurricane Sandy, in November 2012. Just before Halloween 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall, destroying countless areas along the eastern seaboard from Florida to Maine. It did severe damage in New Jersey and New York. Breezy Point, located on the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens,
Read More!“Les Semeurs”
Le Grand Prix dans la catégorie 1ères et Terminales revient à L’Ecole Active Bilingue pour son interprétation de Tu Trembles de Bruno Allain et Victor Hugo. Chaque année, j’ai l’impression que le dernier festival Première Scène a été plus réussi que le précédent. Est-ce le cas pour cette quinzième édition? Je
Read More!Les documentaristes en herbe du LFNY
Le nouveau club extra-scolaire du Lycée “C’est pas magique, c’est scientifique!” vient de sortir sa première émission, réalisée par des élèves de primaire tout au long du premier semestre de l’année scolaire 2013-2014. Cette émission, réalisée et présentée par des enfants, a pour but de leur permettre de mieux comprendre l’environnement
Read More!La “Génération E”
En club de robotique, les élèves apprennent à construire puis à commander leur robot à l’aide d’un logiciel simple de programmation. Avez-vous entendu parler de la “Génération C” ? Succédant à la “Génération Y” les enfants et adolescents d’aujourd’hui doivent apprendre à Communiquer, Collaborer, Créer, Contempler, et faire preuve d’esprit
Read More!Using Technology to Enrich Learning
Each trimester this year, the Head of School is organizing a breakfast with the APL in which he, the executive team and faculty members are addressing an important theme regarding the school’s program and answering any related questions parents may have. On Thursday, January 16, the subject of the conversation
Read More!FAQs about Design Thinking
One of the most exciting concepts being explored by educators today is known as design thinking. The education departments of leading universities like Harvard and Stanford are conducting research into it; professional development conferences for faculty and administrators are providing workshops in this field. Following a conversation I had about
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