Vendredi: Ambiance festive à la cantine scolaire, où l’on célèbre l’anniversaire de l’un des cuisiniers. Jeudi : Des élèves de CP écoutent la bibliothécaire du primaire sur ce qu’est un livre, ce qu’il contient, comment il est fabriqué, quel(s) objectif(s) il sert. Mercredi: Guidés par leur professeur d’art, l’enseignante de
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The Snow Day that Wasn’t
One would be hard-pressed to find a place more full of cajoling than the entrance to the Lycée Français de New York this past Wednesday morning, particularly on the primary side of campus. Student after student had but one feeling to express: dissatisfaction, good-natured dissatisfaction, but dissatisfaction nonetheless! No matter
Read More!Comment un livre vient au monde
Des élèves de CM2 visitent l’exposition “Comment un livre vient au monde”, à la bibliothèque du primaire jusqu’au 7 février 2014. D’où viennent les livres? Comment sont-ils fabriqués? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions auxquelles tente de répondre l’exposition qui a lieu à la bibliothèque du primaire “Comment un livre vient
Read More!La “Génération E”
En club de robotique, les élèves apprennent à construire puis à commander leur robot à l’aide d’un logiciel simple de programmation. Avez-vous entendu parler de la “Génération C” ? Succédant à la “Génération Y” les enfants et adolescents d’aujourd’hui doivent apprendre à Communiquer, Collaborer, Créer, Contempler, et faire preuve d’esprit
Read More!Week in Pictures January 21-26
Friday: A 3rd grader traces a horse in the style of the Lascaux paintings. This drawing method is based on a new hypothesis that cavemen could have used a projected shadow of animal figurines. Thursday: Y11 students are studying the French novel Un Roi sans divertissement, from author Jean Giono. They
Read More!Using Technology to Enrich Learning
Each trimester this year, the Head of School is organizing a breakfast with the APL in which he, the executive team and faculty members are addressing an important theme regarding the school’s program and answering any related questions parents may have. On Thursday, January 16, the subject of the conversation
Read More!The Art of Storytelling
Jeffrey Kluger took questions from students about his presentation “The Art of Storytelling”. On Friday, January 17th, 2014, an author named Jeffrey Kluger came to our school. He came to tell the CM2 students about storytelling. He is an editor for TIME magazine and a parent. He is also a
Read More!FAQs about Design Thinking
One of the most exciting concepts being explored by educators today is known as design thinking. The education departments of leading universities like Harvard and Stanford are conducting research into it; professional development conferences for faculty and administrators are providing workshops in this field. Following a conversation I had about
Read More!Varsity Lady Lynx Defeat Rivals
Friday afternoon the Varsity Girls and Boys basketball teams had a double header match-up versus their rival FASNY. Since my arrival at the Lycée this has always been the biggest game, as each French school puts forth their best effort to prove who is best. The winner gets bragging rights
Read More!Week in Pictures January 13-19
Vendredi: Les élèves de CM2 posent de nombreuses questions à Jeffrey Kluger, auteur et journaliste scientifique à Time Magazine. Les meilleurs ouvrage de fiction sont le fruit de l’imagination, explique-t-il, et “incluent des détails qui sont réels et inventés.” Jeudi: Des représentants de l’entreprise de produits de beauté Estée Lauder
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