Leaving one’s “comfort zone” is not always easy, but doing so lies squarely at the heart of learning. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the notion of comfort zone can be defined as “1. the temperature range within which one is comfortable; 2. the level at which one functions with ease and
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Vietnam: a learning experience on both sides
Before arriving to Hué’s primary school, we had a fairly clear idea of what to expect: a few classes of thirty or so students, who all had at least a basic level of English. We made a lesson plan based on those assumptions, yet the reality was not at all
Read More!Week in Pictures: December 1-5
Friday: Pre-K students rehearse with their music teacher for the upcoming Winter Concert. After practicing singing on stage, the children take a break and work on their motor skills with plastic sticks while learning French vocabulary “bâtons parallèles!” Thursday: Head of school Sean Lynch leads the ASHOKA Club, that teaches
Read More!A bord de l’Hermione avec un membre de l’équipage
Des matelots à bord de L’Hermione. Marc Jensen, de la promotion 1976 du Lycée Français, a rencontré tous les élèves de CM2 afin de leur parler de son aventure à bord de l’Hermione mercredi 12 novembre dernier. Marc fait partie des 160 heureux-élus (sur plus de 1000 candidats) qui auront la chance de
Read More!Ten Thousand Hours for a Lifetime of Joy?
The Music Lesson, by Charles West Cope (1869). Every so often, I will have a hallway conversation like the one I had this past week. Someone will mention that his or her daughter or son, typically in the upper grades of primary school or the lower grades of middle school, has been
Read More!“Le moi et la tribu”
This November the Lycée Français de New York had the pleasure to welcome celebrated photographer Martine Fougeron to our Secondary school for the LFNY Artist-in-Residence program. Martine was the ideal candidate based on her impressive photography portfolio, her teaching experience at the renowned International Center of Photography and the relevance of
Read More!Week in Pictures: November 17-21
Vendredi: Entre deux cours, un élève du secondaire cherche une bande-dessinée parmi la sélection disponible à la bibliothèque de l’école. Jeudi: Deux élèves de seconde font réagir de l’hydroxyde de cuivre II avec de l’acide pour obtenir des ions Cuivre II en classe de physique-chimie. (crédits: L. Soulié) Mercredi: Les élèves
Read More!Selfies d’artistes en herbe
“Selfie” is a word from the 21st century which leaves few people indifferent. For some, including a few of the sharpest social commentators on either side of the Atlantic, it encapsulates what they consider to be the particular individualism, not to say selfishness of young people born circa or since the
Read More!Week in Pictures November 10 – 14
Friday: It’s pick up time and some students are playing tag right outside the school. Thursday: Chocolate muffins anyone? Students (girls and boys!) are learning to bake delicious pastries during this afterschool cooking club. Tuesday: All the First-graders are taking part in a race against hunger, in partnership with the NGO
Read More!The Play Must Go On
Last June, several educators from the Lycée Français de New York, including myself, attended the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). In addition to participating in many sessions related to ISTE’s mission of “advancing excellence in learning and teaching through the innovative and effective uses of
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