Week in Pictures: December 1-5

Friday: Pre-K students rehearse with their music teacher for the upcoming Winter Concert. After practicing singing on stage, the children take a break and work on their motor skills with plastic sticks while learning French vocabulary “bâtons parallèles!” Thursday: Head of school Sean Lynch leads the ASHOKA Club, that teaches

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Week in Pictures: November 17-21

Vendredi: Entre deux cours, un élève du secondaire cherche une bande-dessinée parmi la sélection disponible à la bibliothèque de l’école. Jeudi: Deux élèves de seconde font réagir de l’hydroxyde de cuivre II avec de l’acide pour obtenir des ions Cuivre II en classe de physique-chimie. (crédits: L. Soulié) Mercredi: Les élèves

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The Play Must Go On

Last June, several educators from the Lycée Français de New York, including myself, attended the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). In addition to participating in many sessions related to ISTE’s mission of “advancing excellence in learning and teaching through the innovative and effective uses of

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