A l’occasion de la visite de l’écrivain Dany Laferrière, les classes de 1ère ont eu la chance de lui poser dans l’auditorium maintes questions sur sa vie en tant qu’écrivain, mais également en tant que personne. Cinq élèves sur scène lui ont posé tour à tour des questions plus ou
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European Day of Languages
This year, instead of having several “Languages days”, we decided to focus on one day only. To make the experience more meaningful for the students, with the help of the Cultural Center, we were able to invite artists so the students could participate in workshops depending on the language they
Read More!Rayonnement for the Lycée
On Tuesday, the French Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, visited the school. He was previously president of the renowned French business school, L’ESSEC. Minister Blanquer, who joined President Macron’s cabinet in May, is a professional educator, as members of our student, teaching, administrative and parents surely noticed during an engaging two-hour session
Read More!Antoine Guilloppé en résidence
Lorsque le premier jour, je pénètre dans une classe de CE2, Antoine Guilloppé explique aux enfants son passionnant métier auquel il est parvenu après de longues années de travail. Les enfants sont attentifs et certains d’entre eux sont déjà plongés dans des rêveries de futures vocations. Les enfants admirent ensuite
Read More!Around the World in 20 Booths
We’re traveling around the world this Saturday, May 13 during the Lycée Français de New York’s annual Spring Fair. Spring Fair chair, volunteer parent Stéphanie Bismuth, mother of CE1 student Lucie and incoming MS student Stella, shares all you need to know about this fun globally themed community event! Spring
Read More!One Singular Sensation
In the week ahead, LFNY musical theater will perform a show about being in a show, A Chorus Line, in the 32nd annual school musical under the direction of Remy Loumbrozo and Story McPhee, with choreography by Caroline Blanco. The Secondary students voted to perform this show from a list
Read More!Focus on French Cinema au LFNY
Le Centre Culturel du Lycée vous offre le meilleur des événements culturels français et francophones à New York. Après de nombreux concerts (Piaf!, Marie-Jo Thério et Gino Sitson), débats (Les Réseaux Sociaux, l’Héritage Culturel en Danger…), et movie nights (Rencontre avec Luc Hardy autour de son film A La Poursuite
Read More!140 Students, One Orchestra
In a school like ours, where something extraordinary is always happening, finding the time to reflect on the beauty, dare I say the exquisiteness of what our students are achieving is not necessarily easy, which reminds me of a story I once heard about the great violinist, Joshua Bell. Out
Read More!French Play: La vie comme un mensonge
Si vous pensez que les élèves du Lycée Français de New York ne sont pas capables de prendre des risques, de transmettre des émotions et de faire rire sur scène, c’est que vous n’étiez pas dans l’auditorium, jeudi et vendredi soir, pour assister à la représentation de “La vie comme
Read More!Equity, Justice and Media Literacy
On Friday, March 10, 2017, the Lycée welcomed Dr. Olivier Esteves, professor of British Studies at the Université Lille-3 and Sciences-Po Lille, for a special morning program dedicated to media literacy and questions of equity and justice. To prepare for this special program, students in 10th, 11th and 12th grade read
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