A Life of Purpose

On Wednesday, November 15, law professor (University of San Francisco School of Law) and social entrepreneur Tom Nazario (Watch his bio.) visited the Lycée français to speak to our students and the wider community. He shared the inspirational work he has been able to accomplish as the founder of The

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Rayonnement for the Lycée

On Tuesday, the French Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, visited the school. He was previously president of the renowned French business school, L’ESSEC. Minister Blanquer, who joined President Macron’s cabinet in May, is a professional educator, as members of our student, teaching, administrative and parents surely noticed during an engaging two-hour session

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Focus on French Cinema au LFNY

Le Centre Culturel du Lycée vous offre le meilleur des événements culturels français et francophones à New York. Après de nombreux concerts (Piaf!, Marie-Jo Thério et Gino Sitson), débats (Les Réseaux Sociaux, l’Héritage Culturel en Danger…), et movie nights (Rencontre avec Luc Hardy autour de son film A La Poursuite

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