What’s going on in those little black boxes that have been displayed in the 75th Street lobby?
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What’s going on in those little black boxes that have been displayed in the 75th Street lobby?
Read More!French author Marc Lévy gives a master class in the art of writing to Lycée eighth graders called, “The Power of Your Imagination”.
Read More!We were all afraid. A virtual residency in writing was a first for the Lycée. In her preface to the e-book of student work from her residence, the author and artist-in-residence Valérie Zenatti recounted what she had imagined the residency to be: “At the beginning of this project, there was
Read More!As part of its artist-in-residence program, the Lycée Français de New York invited youth author Jean-Philippe Arrou-Vignod to spend a week with the fifth-grade students from March 12 to March 16. What an honor! The author of A Fine Collection of Bananas, Middle School Investigation, and the Story of the Jean-Somethings
Read More!Lorsque le premier jour, je pénètre dans une classe de CE2, Antoine Guilloppé explique aux enfants son passionnant métier auquel il est parvenu après de longues années de travail. Les enfants sont attentifs et certains d’entre eux sont déjà plongés dans des rêveries de futures vocations. Les enfants admirent ensuite
Read More!If you were in New York City this past summer, you may have had the privilege of seeing a memorable exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art entitled Manus x Machine: Fashion in the Age of Technology. This show was unusually captivating because it gave the assembled thousands who visited it
Read More!Le mur. Il faut aller au cinquième étage du côté des primaires voir le mur tagué par les élèves de CM2 au cours de leur résidence avec l’artiste anglais Jon Burgerman du 8 au 12 février 2016. Pour la première fois depuis la création du programme d’artistes en résidence au
Read More!Lorsque nous avons rencontré Céline Barel par l’entremise de Veronica Bulgari, parent au Lycée et membre active du comité d’artistes en résidence, nous avons naturellement proposé à cette parfumeuse ou “nez” chez International Flavors & Fragrances, de travailler avec les Secondes. Le parfum n’est-il pas une affaire de « grands » ? Ne
Read More!Now that it is passed we can share our fear. Until the last moment, we did not know if Jos Houben would have a visa to come and work as an artist in residence at the school with the tenth graders during the week of April 20 to 24. One
Read More!This November the Lycée Français de New York had the pleasure to welcome celebrated photographer Martine Fougeron to our Secondary school for the LFNY Artist-in-Residence program. Martine was the ideal candidate based on her impressive photography portfolio, her teaching experience at the renowned International Center of Photography and the relevance of
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