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Read More!Category: Primary
Que Vive le Théâtre!
Outside of school, there was considerable unrest this past weekend, with demonstrations taking place at Battery Park, JFK International Airport and other areas around New York. The atmosphere inside the LFNY last Friday and Saturday was no less turbulent, though in a different way. Young voices could be heard everywhere,
Read More!Our Day of Understanding
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences,” said poet Audre Lorde. Her quote highlights the importance of teaching students from the youngest age about the importance of understanding and embracing our differences. On Monday, December 19th, the
Read More!Day of Understanding : les CM2 exposent leurs créations
Cette année, le 19 décembre, le Lycée célèbre pour la première fois la journée de l’entente. Cette journée est l’occasion de mettre en avant la diversité au sein de la communauté du Lycée Français de New York. C’est aussi une formidable occasion de promouvoir les valeurs fondamentales que nous partageons,
Read More!Eile mit Weile*
But doing so is not just an intellectual undertaking. At its best, acquiring a new language is a highly emotional experience, inasmuch as it answers a deep human desire to understand our fellow human beings better and of course provides us with the means by which we do accede to
Read More!La place du numérique dans l’école primaire
This article is from the 2015 issue of the LFNY Magazine. Every year in the fall, first and second graders learn how to perform circus-themed activities in the school’s phys-ed (PE) program. “It’s a workshop I especially like because it combines physical exercise with artistic elements and play acting,”
Read More!Apprentis moussaillons à la barre
Cette année, deux enseignants en école primaire ont décidé de suivre les courses à la voile du navigateur Tanguy de Lamotte, à bord de son bateau “Initiatives Coeur”. “Relier son cours avec la réalité est extrêmement motivant pour les élèves”, souligne Philippe Le Vessier, l’un des deux enseignants en CM1
Read More!Qu’est-ce que le doodling?
Le mur. Il faut aller au cinquième étage du côté des primaires voir le mur tagué par les élèves de CM2 au cours de leur résidence avec l’artiste anglais Jon Burgerman du 8 au 12 février 2016. Pour la première fois depuis la création du programme d’artistes en résidence au
Read More!Footprints in Arabic
It’s 3:45pm on a wintry Friday in the Primary School, and six students are gathered with their intermediate Arabic teacher, Susynne McElrone, for a lively 75-minute class. The students have divided into two groups to work on a word game to help them identify vocabulary and build sentences in Arabic.
Read More!Teaching the Pleasure of Communicating
For many Lycée students and parents, the 2015-2016 school year is their first experience in a bilingual school. Choosing a bilingual school is a tremendous opportunity for monolingual families, but it also raises questions about how being in a bilingual school impacts language development in children. The most important element
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