IDD, a Collaborative Approach to Learning

IDD (itinéraire de découverte) is an interdisciplinary discovery project that helps teachers diversify learning strategies, connect disciplines, and teach students how to nurture their intellectual curiosity through research. Ms. Emilie Lauzy, history-geography teacher, and Mr. Sory Koité, science teacher, guided their eight-grade students through the IDD process of researching and presenting topics on

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Sundance, Tribeca, Cannes, FESTIMAJ!

The international student film festival Festimaj was introduced to the LFNY community in the fall by Primary computer teacher Sébastien Freland. M. Freland who also worked with Emmanuel Rouy, Sébastien Tomasini et Mireille Miller and the fourth- and fifth-grade students in the extracurricular Primary club “C’est pas magique, c’est scientifique“ to

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The Math Hatter Chronicle #6

I don’t know about you but I’ve always had a thing for bathtub problems. I know they are a bit out of fashion and may be responsible for a lot of despair among students of past generations but I always liked them for their ingenuity. Of course, these problems can

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