After 18 months, Lycée Athletics is back. This fall, 240 athletes and 20+ coaches on 15 sixth-grade, middle school, JV and Varsity teams took part, covering cross-country, soccer, volleyball and tennis.
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After 18 months, Lycée Athletics is back. This fall, 240 athletes and 20+ coaches on 15 sixth-grade, middle school, JV and Varsity teams took part, covering cross-country, soccer, volleyball and tennis.
Read More!Being on an athletic team here at the Lycée Français de New York you experience a number of ups and downs. There are good days and bad days. It is how you pick yourself up and meet the next challenge that defines you. One of the enjoyable parts of my
Read More!Cross Country: Varsity Girls finished in second place at the NYCAL Championships. Middle School Team finished second overall in the regular season. Soccer: 6th Grade Boys undefeated season Middle School Boys: Second place NYCAL regular season Junior Varsity Boys Soccer: NYCAL Regular Season and Tournament Champions Varsity Boys: Took
Read More!Lors du match aller, les représentants du Lynx avaient dominé les Cougars de Calhoun et cette deuxième rencontre représentait une véritable revanche pour nos adversaires. Dès le début du match, nous sentons une certaine électricité dans l’air en grande partie due à un public venu nombreux pour encourager les locaux.
Read More!Jouer à Equinox est un peu pour nous, un match à la ”maison” puisque nous avons l’habitude de nous y entraîner le samedi matin. Nous abordons la rencontre en confiance car nous avions gagné l’an dernier contre cette même équipe. La présentation des équipes par les capitaines effectuée, le tirage
Read More!Our 6th graders girls started out slow by game roaring back in the second half only to fall short. The team showed great spirit and improvement over the course of the game but ultimately lost the game. Final score 9 – 14. Our 6th graders boys lost a hard fought
Read More!Ce vendredi, ce sont les collégiens du Lycée qui affrontent St. Hilda et St. Hugh’s School. Ce sont les Boys qui commencent et ce sont NOS boys qui ouvrent le score mais l’équipe de St. Hugh’s est nettement plus offensive, très présente à l’attaque mais toujours présente en défense. Ils dominent
Read More!Lynx basketball got off to a flying start in 2017! The Lycée welcomed FASNY on Friday, January 6, and whether for the Varsity Girls team or Varsity Boys Teams, the Lynx play can only be described in one word: domination. From the first minutes of play, LFNY Varsity Girls set
Read More!Once again, we traveled to Camp Pontiac for preseason training. This year we took seventeen teams and 211 students to the camp in upstate New York. Our aim is always to give students an opportunity to build relationships with their peers, as well as work on their skills for the
Read More!As the weather starts to warm up, it’s a clear sign our winter athletics season has drawn to a close. We will certainly miss the camaraderie and spirit of our coaches and players on these teams, but we celebrate, too, another exciting season in sports at the Lycée Français de
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