En janvier, 31 élèves de Terminale sont partis à Puerto Rico pour découvrir l’histoire, la culture et la langue de ce magnifique pays en Caraïbes. Voici quelques carnets des élèves en français ou en espagnol.
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En janvier, 31 élèves de Terminale sont partis à Puerto Rico pour découvrir l’histoire, la culture et la langue de ce magnifique pays en Caraïbes. Voici quelques carnets des élèves en français ou en espagnol.
Read More!In a world that is more connected than ever, learning a language opens many doors. It is a tool for communication, and as linguist Claude Hagège points out, it also accounts for “ways of thinking, perspectives of the world, and culture.”
Read More!On Wednesday, December 18, the world celebrated Arabic Language Day. This date commemorates the adoption of Arabic as an official language by the United Nations on December 18, 1973. As of 2019, 315 million people around the world speak Arabic, making it the fifth most spoken language in the world.
Read More!On Thursday, September 26, Secondary students in the Lycée’s World Languages Program ventured out into the richness of New York City. German students went uptown to the Neue Galerie in Yorkville, while Italian students went in the opposite direction: down to Little Italy. Spanish classes saw the play, El Quijote.
Read More!Dear Parents, Ce matin nous nous sommes retrouvés à 7h30 à l’école comme d’habitude. Après avoir dit au revoir à nos correspondants, nous sommes montés dans le bus pour un long trajet. Nous nous dirigions vers une école affiliée à Fudan University ( another campus of this school). Une fois
Read More!In 2013, Lycée students embarked on their first Service Learning trip to Vietnam. In partnership with Aide Dentaire Viet-Nâm (an NGO that brings dental care to underserved populations), a small retinue of ambassador students and teachers arrived at the front door of an orphanage in Da Nang. Together with the
Read More!According to the United States Census Bureau, only 20% of Americans are able speak a language other than English—far fewer than the 56% of EU citizens who report speaking more than one language at home. Considering these statistics, the Lycée Français considers itself quite lucky to boast our uniquely multilingual
Read More!The Lycée Français de New York’s Cultural and Language Exchange program with High School of Fudan University in Shanghai has been up and running for six years now. We hope you’ll enjoy daily these letters from several of our eighth graders, and Mr. Quéru, who accompanied them on their 16-day
Read More!But doing so is not just an intellectual undertaking. At its best, acquiring a new language is a highly emotional experience, inasmuch as it answers a deep human desire to understand our fellow human beings better and of course provides us with the means by which we do accede to
Read More!We are careful at the LFNY not to allow digital devices to displace, let alone replace human interaction. Yet access to the internet can be a great support for intelligent conversation, as I experienced laptop in hand a few mornings ago in our 75th Street Lobby. My purpose: to ask
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