Le Lycée Français de New York introduced parcours in the middle school this fall. Developed from a project-based learning approach, these pluridisciplinary classes encourage students to develop their creativity and many different skills working in teams on a final project. In the class, “New York on the Airwaves,” Perrine Le Dûs and Damien
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Perrine Le Dûs joined the library staff at the Lycée in 2015. She had worked previously as a librarian at a high school in Angers (France), then at a middle school in Seine-Saint-Denis (France). After gaining experience in publishing and in promoting cultural events, she chose to specialize in information architecture. She is interested in speculative fiction, and recently discovered her interest in science through science fiction. She is passionate about popular science, a subject which she loves exploring with her students.
5 heures pour créer une “Une” à chaud
Le mardi 22 mars, les élèves de 4e1 et 4e2 ont participé à une journée particulière, entièrement consacrée à la découverte du monde de la presse. Dans le cadre de la Semaine de la presse et des médias dans l’école, ils ont participé au Concours de Unes, un concours adressé aux écoles
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