Lundi 30 Mars Oublié le jetlag, nous avons aujourd’hui crapahuté sur la Grande Muraille de Chine avant de nous essayer aux arts martiaux dans la plus grande école de Kung Fu de Pékin. Après une halte dans une boutique spécialisée dans le Jade et ses produits dérivés, nous sommes donc
Read More!Author: Nicolas Duval
Nicolas Duval received his teaching degree as a spanish teacher in 1998. He later spent two years in Peru, as a cooperant in a non-governmental organization. He then began to teach Spanish in several middle schools in the Paris area and Brittany. Mr Duval was involved in the European program Jules Verne and taught French to Spanish students for one year in Cantabria. Back in France, he obtain an additional certification in French as Second Language, in order to facilitate the integration of the allophone students in the school system. He joined the LFNY in 2014.