Friday: Primary students create clay sculpture in art class. Nice!
Thursday: Head librarian, Damien Renon, takes a picture of a primary student as she poses for the “Bookface” campaign. Readers put themselves into the cover of their favorite books and snap a photo! Photos are posted in the libraries. Email your own by April 23 to
Wednesday: Teachers in Primary and Secondary are working together to create new research-based approaches to bilingual teaching and learning at the Lycée Français. The work will examine all subject areas at all grade levels from French and English literature to science, math and even PE. Teachers presented the first phase of their work to fellow faculty and staff during Wednesday’s all-staff meeting.
Wednesday: Tenth graders discussed the relevancy of romanticism, poetry and literature with French writer and journalist Olivier Barrot.
Tuesday: Construction workers empty the building in preparation for what will be the Lycée’s York Wing at 1416 York Avenue.
Monday: Can you solve this chess exercise? In this new Chess Club for kindergartners, a student works on logic skills with teacher Robert de La Chapelle. The Lycée offers a bilingual chess club for older students as well.
About the Author :
Actuellement en école d’ingénieurs en télécommunications à Telecom Lille, Mathieu a rejoint le LFNY fin Janvier pour y effectuer un stage de 4 mois au département des communications. Passionné par tout ce qui touche au Web, il aime développer des sites internet et partager cette passion avec ses amis. Ici, il apprend ce qu’il y a derrière la technologie et comment utiliser les outils de communication.