“Les Semeurs”

Le Grand Prix dans la catégorie 1ères et Terminales revient à L’Ecole Active Bilingue pour son interprétation de Tu Trembles de Bruno Allain et Victor Hugo. Chaque année, j’ai l’impression que le dernier festival Première Scène a été plus réussi que le précédent. Est-ce le cas pour cette quinzième édition? Je

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Week in Pictures February 3 to 9

Friday: A pre-K student at pick up perfectly bundled up for the 30° weather (Credit: M. Castillo) Thursday: All Y10 and Y11 joined some alumni and parents from various backgrounds for the annual Forum des Métiers during which they talk about future careers. (Credit: E. King) Wednesday: Students baked and organized a bake

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Found in Non-Translation

English-speakers will have heard the expression, “lost in translation.” In all humility, I would like to propose a complementary saying, that of “found in non-translation”.  This thought occurred to me last weekend when a friend and I were discussing an article we had both read on huffingtonpost.com, entitled “Eleven Untranslatable

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