I thought the ceremony was very moving: I was really happy to be part of it. Having veterans being given the “Legion d’honneur” was something everyone was looking forward to seeing. I think the ceremony was perfect: with a powerpoint, a little music, there was everything to keep the audience’s attention. It taught me a lot: the text I read because it was very moving: talking about deaths and the soldiers’ families. Going onstage after the ceremony and getting to talk to the veterans was also a very interesting experience!
Julia, 9th-grade (3eme)
It was very emotional to participate in this ceremony because first my great grandparents were in the war; unfortunately I didn’t know them so it was good to meet some members of this generation and I have saw that some of the GI’s were in really good health. Then I felt the intense emotion during this ceremony because I really felt it was more than important for most of the GI’s.
Louis, 9th-grade (3eme)
About the Author :
Arthur Plaza holds a Ph.D in History and French Studies from New York University. He also studied at Sciences-Po and was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to conduct research in France in 2004-2005. Part of his research was published in the collective volume entitled “Politiques de la laïcité au XXe siècle” (PUF, 2007). In addition, he has been an editorial assistant at the scholarly journal, French Politics, Culture & Society.